Comment Replies
Okay blogsperts......I have a burning question. Often times when people comment they ask questions about something said in a post. There are several ways to go about replying to the questions:
1. Send an email to the person.
2. Answer the question in a comment you leave on the questioner's blog.
3. Leave a comment on your own blog answering any questions that were posed.
4. Write a new post answering questions.
I normally do number 1 or 2 (heads out of the gutter folks). I see a lot of people doing number 2, but do you all really go back to see if someone answered your question in their comments? I go back and check sometimes. What are your thoughts? Is there some sort of blog etiquette I'm suppose to follow? Please help!
I have no idea what the proper etiquette is.... I'll be checking back to see if someone else is the wiser. hmmm, maybe that's why I haven't received replies to questions ..because I haven't gone back to the person's blog to check if they've replied to my comment.
First I check to see if I can reply in an e-mail...if so, I do (especially if they ask a specific question). Then I go to their blog and leave a comment (usually related to their post and thanking them for stopping by my blog). I have just recently started posting replies to questions in the comments on my own blog. But I still go give comment love back to my commenters especially new visitors...I want them to come back! Just my two cents. Hope that helps
I come to you today, Joan, to answer all of your blog etiquette questions. There is a code that all bloggers should abide by.
I wrote it.
1) Replying to questions either in e-mail or by visiting the originator's blog is best. Doing so says, "hey, fellow blogger, I like you and your question is worthy of my time." You make friends by doing so.
2) Answering the question by commenting on your own blog is lame. To all the bloggers of the world that do this: stop. it. now. Don't flatter yourself. Unless you are Stesha, no one is coming back to your blog to read what your witty reply *might* be.
3) Writing a new post to answer a question is an approach that I have not seen done very much. I like it. Any out of the box approach to blogging is good.
Please do not deter from the rules.
PS: I can get away with writing the things I do about Stesha now that she is my cyber-BFF.
Wenda here just stopping by to say hello and thank you for picking up my button. You are beyond fabulous. When you enter my contest, be sure to copy and paste this comment twice. Anyone who picks up my button definitely deserves a bit of extra love.
I'm off!
You should reply back in email or their blog. Whatever floats you boat.
Hugs and Mocha,
I always try to give comment love to anyone who visits, and if there's a real question (I don't actually get many of these) then I'd answer it on their blog at the END of a comment, because really the purpose is to leave a nice note about that person's blog and thank them for visiting. You just answered a question of mine on my blog the other day, and it was very nice. Then again, you always leave thoughtful comments. Thank you.
I've never e-mailed anyone without permission. I'm sure this is silly, because if an e-mail address is available, they probably welcome messages, but I don't want to impose. Silly, like I'm showing up on their doorstep or something.
3 Bay B Chicks said never to comment back on your own post, but I've read a lot of "pet peeve" things and such, trying to learn what is expected/acceptable in bloggyland. I've read several comments from people who get really upset if you don't reply back that way (in addition to commenting on their blog). They seem to feel like it shows appreciation for their comments. I don't know - I am guilty of this, but I certainly am not flattering myself. I was just trying to be gracious, according to what I've read. Other bloggers do this, and I never really thought it was a bad thing at all.
I guess the answer to your question is: do what YOU want, since everybody seems to want something different. Maybe? Hmm.. I realize now that I have added nothing of importance to this conversation. Haha! I've spent all this time here now, so I'm leaving it anyway. Don't want you to think I didn't try. :)
p.s. (that's right - it's me AGAIN) another pet peeve I read many, many times is about having word verification turned on. I noticed you don't have it, so kudos - you're ahead of the game. Some of those peeve posts are very informative. I'll be checking back here to see what everyone else says later, too.
I agree with 3 Bay B Chicks. As you know I send an email back to you. If it says non-reply on email I go back to that blogger and comment.
The third choice I would only do if there is an overwhelming amount of comments.
I usually do #1 or #2. I guess as long as you respond (in whatever way you choose) that is the most important thing!
Found you by following Wenda!
Great question and answers. I learned a ton. Not that I've gotten many of those, but I'm going with sending a personal email as well, especially if the ? seems serious. I've gotten a few where they're intended as more humorous? Then I stick it in my comments section. Still learning the whole blog etiquette thing.
I think either way is fine, taking the time to answer somebody via email as simply using the comments on their blog.
I once simply answered the question
at the end of my post.
Well I've never really read up on blogging etiquette so it's been nice to read what other people have to say here.
I usually comment to each person on my own comments just because when I visit other blogs and read other people's comments and questions, I'd like to know the answer too! I also make it a point to visit new readers who've stopped in for read. And I do go back and check if the blogger answered my questions if it's a blog I check frequently. I just feel that answering their question on their post about something completely different seems random.
I love your blog and always apreciate your comments! I dont have my email on my blog for people to email me cause Im concerned about spam....any advice for that?
Hey there Joan. I've become accustomed to going back and revisiting newer blogs that I read to see if the blogger goes in and comments on their own posts, answering questions or just commenting back. There are a couple of blogs that I read regularly that always comment on to their readers right there, on their specific post in question. I try and respond to my commenters on my own blog as well....but if I really want a question answered, I'll just hound and leave my email in my comment! :)
I normally try to send an e-mail if it is a specific question that I don't believe all my readers might be asking. If it is something I think more might be wondering I answer it in a comment below my post (& e-mail if possible.)
Sometimes when no e-mail address is avail., I will answer in a comment at their blog, but I try to keep my commenting on their blog responsive to their posts.
If you normally comment on your own blog to your readers than they will come to expect that and check back (I do that with one individual I read.) For my 100th post I was trying to comment back on my own post to each individual (special occasion though) not something I would do all of the time.
What are your personal thoughts??? (Checking to see how you choose to respond! ;))
Good question!!
If I'm able to reply via email, I will do that. But if not, I will reply on their comment box!! ;)
This is a good question. I didn't know what to do. I would prefer to comment via email. But I thought it would look like I'm creating sort of a community by commenting on my own page. But according to other comments I think I will no longer comment on my own page. I will stick to email. My commenting on someone else's page I usually do not know where or which post to comment on.
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