Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday!

I know it has been months since I have posted, but I have been a little preoccupied. Today my baby boy is 1 month old! Happy Birthday little man! He was born on April 6th, weighed 7 pounds and 9 ounces, and was 19 inches long. I know I am not supposed to say this, but he is absolutely perfect. Who knew you could have this much love for one person? I guess you would have to love him more than anything to deprive yourself of sleep day in and day out. I know what you are saying, "sleep when the baby sleeps." Yeah, in theory that is a good idea. Unfortunately, I have other things to do like dishes, laundry, eat, shower, and use the bathroom. I sleep as much as I can, but it is hard. Still, it's all worth it. My hat goes off to all of the mothers out there. This is truly a special job and privilege. I guess I am now officially a "mom blogger."


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not So Wordless Wednesday: 7 1/2 Months!

Well, I have 9 weeks left and I am ready to get it over with. Let me clarify. I am ready to meet my little boy, but I am still terrified of childbirth. As life begins to move in slow motion, I am thinking, oh crap, I've got so much to do. I don't know what to do first. I'd like to stop working now so I can focus on the task ahead of me. I will continue working for at least 3 more weeks and then see how I feel. As I get bigger by the minute, I try not to take it to heart when EVERYONE feels the need to comment on how big I'm getting. I especially love the comments about how big my butt is and being asked if I'm having twins. Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sugar Coma: Somebody Revive Me!

This post is long overdue. Last Saturday I participated in The Broke Socialite Does....Sugar Coma in Atlanta. Myself and a host of other bloggers and sugar enthusiasts had the opportunity to tour some of Atlanta's premiere desert restaurants and facilities. The name of the event says it all. Y'all know I love food, and I ate myself silly from about 9am to 3pm. Oh, did I mention that Cadillac was a sponsor and we got to ride in style all day in the new 2010 SRX. My sister Christie aka the Chatterbox aka 1/2 of the Blogrollers was the driver of our car.

We started the morning off at No Mas Cantina, an authentic Mexican restaurant that just launched it's breakfast menu. The blue corn cakes and their signature coffee, Cafe de Olla were both to die for.
This is the No Mas Cantina store. I felt like a bull in a china shop with my big belly and all of the fragile items that were around. LOL!

Breakfast is served!

Stop 2 was Cacao Atlanta. I learned more about chocolate than I never new before. Did you know the beans are fermented and go through a similar process as wine making? I sure didn't. They gave us a shot of their hot chocolate, and if I didn't wanna slap somebody's mama after that shot....phew! It was goooood! Cacao Atlanta is literally code for Chocolate Heaven.
The are the actual beans that they use to make the chocolate.

Stop 3 was Joli Kobe, a Japanese bakery and cafe. This restaurant by far had my favorite desert of the day. Unfortunately, I have know idea what it was called, but it's that delectable little rectangular chocolate cream cake pictured below on the bottom left of the greedy plate I made for myself at the restaurant.

Stop 4 was to The Cooke Studio, a bakery that does cookies with a cause. Part of their proceeds go to charity.

Stop 5 was Sweet N' Sinful. And boy did I feel like a little devil in there. The owner had the nerve to give me a box and tell me to fill it up with treats! OMG! Somebody stop me! The french toast cupcakes were yummmoooo!
TBS is chatting it up with the owner of the sinfully sweet shop.

Last Stop--Le Fais Do Do, where we had a simply divine lunch catered by Black Tie Barbecue. Can I just say that I had no idea what Bok Choi was, but now it's my favorite vegetable. All of their food is seasoned to perfection. A little birdie told me that they might be catering my baby shower, so I am super duper excited about that.

Oh, and did I mention that we got awesome swag bags filled with pamper products and sweet treats. Also, there was an after party that night sponsored by Yelp. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend because I kind of over did it earlier in the day. You would not believed how swollen and disgusting my feet were by the end of the day.

When I say The Broke Socialite outdid herself this time, I mean it. She is doin the darn thang and takin names. Congrats TBS! I'm so proud of you girl!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Here's How You Know It's 2010

My 5 year old niece is showing my 87 year old grandmother how to play solitaire on the iPhone.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy New Year!

Okay, so I know I'm like 3 weeks late, but better late than never!

Here is my 6 months picture (notice I am sporting the Macy's Path to Peace O bracelet that my sister gave me for Christmas). I just turned 7 months this week. Unfortunately, I've already gained all of the weight I'm supposed to gain for the whole pregnancy, and I still have 3 months to go. I guess I'm eating too much. I just love food though. Somebody stop me! The nurse literally had to weigh me twice because she thought the scale was wrong or that she had read it incorrectly. Sorry. The scale does not lie (isn't that what the host of Celebrity Fit club always says). Anyway, my second trimester rocked! Now that I'm entering the third trimester, life is getting increasingly difficult. Putting on socks, shoes and underwear, shaving, cleaning, and walking up steps, all seem like Olympic sports these days. And a good comfortable night's rest is a thing of the past. I can't complain too much because I have had a really uneventfully pleasant pregnancy, so thank God for that. I hope you all have had a great start to your new year.

**Prayers for Haiti: Click the button in my left sidebar to donate to disaster relief for the people in Haiti. May God bless our brothers and sister in Haiti!


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! This is a random post, but who cares. It's Christmas!

Just finished the little bit of Christmas shopping I had and managed to get all gifts $10 and under (patting myself on the back).

Bought some much needed maternity clothes. My bras and underwear were cutting off my circulation and something needed to be done (was that TMI?)!

I managed to almost give my husband a heart attack. How, you ask? I placed my laptop on the edge of my dresser (dumb, I know). Then instead of detaching the cord from the computer first, I picked it up by the other end. Suddenly the laptop began to spin off of the dresser. I rushed to catch it and...."HONEY, NO!!!!!!!!" screamed my husband. He scared me about half to to death because I'm not sure I've ever heard him scream that loud. The first scream was followed by a, "DAMN THE COMPUTER. LET IT FALL!" Well, I did end up dropping it anyway. I apologized and told my husband I was fine. It was just a reflex. You must understand his concern though. You see I don't have one of those cute 1/2 pound Macbooks. I have a 2003 Dell Inspiron 6000 which weighs almost as much as a desktop. Not to mention, I'm six months pregnant.

My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night. Running a close second is Mary J. Blige and Andrea Bocelli's rendition of What Child is This.

I hope you all have a very blessed holiday full of joy and new memories!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Pajama Day

6 months!


I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm a
Self-Improving Money Managing Extrovert

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